BalajiV1 min readTerminal based Chat Bot using STM32In this post, Chatbot is created on the terminal using STM32F446RE and USART Protocol Components: STM32F446RE as controller (link)...
BalajiV1 min readRegister Level I2C using RTC and STM32In this post, DS1307 is used as RTC and it is connected to STM32F446RE using I2C Components: STM32F446RE as controller (link) Jumper...
BalajiV2 min readProgramming BluePill using STM32 BoardIn this blog, I will be programming the STM32F103C8T6 using STM32F446RE which has an onboard ST-LINK- V2 Components: STM32F446RE (link)...
BalajiV1 min readProgramming STM32F446RE using SWD connectorsIn this blog, I programmed STM32F446RE using ST-LINK-V2 using SWD connectors Components: STM32F446RE as controller (link) Jumper...