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Firmware Fortress
Understanding the Project Architecture: A Deep Dive into the LedBlink Project
Introduction In this post, we'll explore the LedBlink project, a simple LED blink application that uses the HAL library on an STM32F4...
3 min read
Why 2 Linker script in STM32CubeIDE
When working with STM32CubeIDE to build embedded applications, you may notice that two linker scripts are generated by default:...
3 min read
Understanding Linker Scripts: VMA and LMA Explained
When dealing with embedded systems or low-level programming, it's essential to grasp how memory addresses are managed during execution....
3 min read
From 0x0 and Gets to main() (With Bootloader)
In an embedded system, when a device powers on or resets, the journey from address 0x0 to the main() function typically involves several...
3 min read
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